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To examine the long-term effects of pedagogical development, the study explored 56 Chinese university instructors’ viewpoints on their professional agency in implementing new pedagogical practices following a PBL program in Denmark. Q methodology was supplemented by a post-sorting survey and post-analysis interviews. An eight-factor solution emerged, indicating a high variation in participants’ subjective experiences of PBL implementation. Their perceived sources for agency enactment are both internal and external, crossing three phases in practice – readiness, implementation, and prospects. Despite suggesting positive long-term PD effects, the study also illustrates how university instructors’ agency enactment is constrained by contextual aspects, including a lack of surrounding acceptance and support. Practical implementations how PD programs may support long-term teacher learning through agency development are provided.  相似文献   
The article offers unique insights into international and domestic graduates’ career progression and social mobility experiences in China. Drawing on in-depth interview data with master-level graduates, the analytical results reveal that the majority of the participants (both domestic and international) perceive that international graduates have more opportunities and better career progression, but the analytical results show that both domestic and international graduates secured positive employment outcomes. Significant gender disparities exist, as women, both international and domestic graduates, are still disadvantaged in terms of occupational attainment and career prospects and report lower employment satisfaction. All domestic graduates reported not only positive employment outcomes in the labour market but upward social mobility. In contrast, the majority of international graduates reported not having achieved the same level of social status as their parents. Graduates’ differentiated relations to China’s state institutions of Bianzhi, Danwei and Hukou and social connections (Guanxi) heavily influenced their employment trajectories and social mobility. We argue that the participants’ conflicting perceptions are linked to the intense labour market competition encouraged by the sustained expansion of domestic higher education enrolment and amplified by the increasing number of international graduates. The societal institutions defuse to some extent conflicts over economic interests arising from the marketisation of social life.  相似文献   
Promoting an educated labor force is critical for emerging economies. Educational achievement, in turn, depends heavily on general cognitive abilities as well as non-cognitive skills, such as grit. Current research, however, has not examined how cognition and grit may explain the academic performance of students in an economically disadvantaged context. Thus, this study examines how IQ and grit contribute to academic achievement gains for students in poor areas of rural China. Drawing on data from 2931 students in rural China, we measure general cognitive ability, using the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) and Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (Raven IQ); non-cognitive ability, using the Short Grit Scale; and academic achievement, using a curricular-based mathematics exam. We find that IQ and grit each predict achievement gains for the average student. Grit is not positively associated with achievement gains among low-IQ students, however, suggesting that grit does not translate into academic achievement gains for students with delays in general cognitive ability.  相似文献   
Against the context of higher education expansion initiated in 1998, this Special Issue sets out to critically examine the major developmental trends in higher education in China. The present article sets out the broader policy context for the Special Issue with particular focus on reviewing the rapid expansion of higher education in the last two decades. More specifically, this article discusses the higher education development trends in China through the massification, diversification and internationalisation processes in transforming the higher education system. This article also highlights the major arguments of the articles being selected for this Issue.  相似文献   
高等教育治理的内涵与外延随高等教育实践发展而不断丰富,并服务于高等教育实践活动。中国高等教育管理体制机制的改革创新走过了波澜壮阔的70多年发展历程。高等教育发展的"中国之治"体现了高等教育发展的"中国追求",是高等教育治理体系现代化"中国探索"的发展果实,彰显了高等教育治理体系的"中国优势"。高等教育治理的"中国之治"是对现代世界高等教育治理理论与实践的丰富与发展,体现了中国特色,凸显了中国优势。高等教育的"中国之治"是中国治理能力和治理体系现代化的重要组成部分,展现了中国特色社会主义制度的优越性。  相似文献   
"坚持扎根中国大地办教育"是新时代中国特色社会主义教育理论的重要组成部分,从立足点上回答了"怎么办教育"的问题。扎根中国大地办教育,就是要扎根中国先进的政治思想和政治制度,扎根中华民族优秀传统文化的核心价值,扎根中国悠久历史和光辉革命传统,扎根基本国情和人民生活实际,扎根本土优秀的教育思想和教育实践经验。扎根中国大地,未来教育事业发展要坚定"四个自信"。立足时代、面向未来,教育政策制定要立足实际、实事求是,教育改革创新要正视不足、融通中外,加强传统文化教育要注重核心价值落地,教育理论研究要立足我国教育现实问题,从而扭转教育发展的"去本土化"倾向,创新中国特色教育理论,发展中国特色教育事业,以"中国化"回应"国际化",为21世纪人类教育发展贡献中国智慧、中国道路。  相似文献   
《教育规划纲要》颁布实施以来,我国博士生教育中的联合培养实践进入了快速发展的时期。科技政策领域的巴斯德象限模型为解释我国联合培养博士生工作的相关政策和发展动向提供了一个逻辑框架,从巴斯德象限模型的视角出发,对《教育规划纲要》实施十年以来我国国家层面推动的高校与(工程)科研院所联合培养博士生项目、协同创新中心项目、博士专业学位联合培养等实践开展及相关政策进行梳理总结,进一步提出我国联合培养博士生体系的象限模型,并据此分析我国联合培养博士生体系的核心向度与未来发展方向。  相似文献   
大数据时代背景下,中国教育指数(IEC)是实现中国教育现代化发展和教育治理水平监测、追踪和历史比较的重要工具。基于2021年版与2017年版IEC结果的常模参照比较发现:“十三五”期间(2016-2020年),中国教育发展的整体势头向好,尤其是大部分中西部省区在教育软、硬实力建设、教育创新、教育生态及可持续发展等方面与省域头名(北京)的整体差距有所缩小;“十三五”期间中国31个省(不含港、澳、台)在教育法治、教育信息化、创造性教育产出等领域的发展卓有成效,而在教育投入、教育公平、中等职业教育和成人教育创新发展、大学生创业、教育生态等方面差距愈发凸显。分区域来看,东部、中部地区以及京津冀、长江经济带等战略区域的发展势头较好,而东北和西部省区教育发展整体相对滞后。  相似文献   
社会经济的高速发展使人们的生活方式发生显著转变,由此引发慢性病患病率上升及身体健康水平下降等一系列问题,并对我国公共健康事业的发展带来一定挑战。现有的医疗保障体系并不足以应对未来慢性病泛滥的隐患,需要从治理理念角度出发,重塑现有的公共健康治理模式,借助体育产业这一大众产业推进体育与健康产业的融合,实现主动养护与被动防治的结合,进而建立全方位、系统化的健康治理模式,推动我国居民整体健康水平的可持续提升。  相似文献   
教育活动的最大秘密就在于使身心活动一张一弛,互相调剂。核心素养的提出是国家基于对传统教育模式的反思而提出的立德树人的重要举措,是根据学生身心发展规律做出的科学决策。因此,我们注重核心素养培育不仅要从心灵上进行研究,更要注重从身体转向上进行探讨。从健康生活的视角,分析身体转向对于核心素养的重要价值,并提出核心素养培育的身体路径。  相似文献   
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